A remarkable unmet need

In Latin, “mirum” means remarkable. In science, we develop remarkable therapies for a deserving community. When we discovered that there was an unmet need for people living with rare disease, we got to work. It was imperative to us to identify and develop treatments that had the potential to transform the lives of patients and their families. That’s why our name is so fitting.

See What Guides Us

Developing medicines with the potential to change lives

Where others see unmet need solely as a treatment gap, we envision a unique opportunity to revitalize a community like never before. Our need to develop transformative medicine is propelled by our passion for patients and their loved ones, and we’re focused on turning possibilities into realities.

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Transformative scientific discoveries

Driven by data and meaningful evidence, we are dedicated to transforming scientific discoveries into therapies poised to change the trajectory of rare diseases for generations to come.

Explore what’s in development

Meet some remarkable people

Patients and families living with rare diseases are at the center of everything we do. We invite you to meet some of the people in this community and learn more about living with rare disease.

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