Program Details

PreventionGenetics Genetic Panels

Mirum Pharmaceuticals has partnered with PreventionGenetics to provide the testing kits below at no cost. You may order them directly from the PreventionGenetics website.

Free genetic testing is also available through Genome Medical.

Blood Collection Kit
Buccal Collection Kit
Movement Disorders
Blood Collection Kit
Buccal Collection Kit
Early-Onset Bilateral Cataracts
Blood Collection Kit
Buccal Collection Kit
Saliva Collection Kit
Peroxisomal Biogenesis Disorder-Zellweger Spectrum Disorder (PBD-ZSD)
Blood Collection Kit

Additional Testing

Mirum Pharmaceuticals has partnered with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Oregon Health & Science University, and the Kennedy Krieger Institute to offer the testing kits below at no cost. Contact your Regional Account Manager to order.

Bile Acid Synthesis Disorder (BASD)
Urine Collection Kit
Peroxisomal Biogenesis Disorder-Zellweger Spectrum Disorder (PBD-ZSD)
Blood Collection Kit
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis (CTX)
Blood Collection Kit
Urine Collection Kit
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome (SLOS) Cholesterol and 7/8-DHC Intermediates
Blood Collection Kit

Scout by Mirum and related logos are pending trademarks of Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Testing Process


PreventionGenetics kits can be ordered directly. For all other kits, contact your Regional Account Manager.


Collect sample from patient.


Send sample through FedEx® to the testing facility.


View results on the testing facility portal or via fax message.
Note: Test results are typically available in 2 to 4 weeks.


Contact your patient to inform them of the results and develop a treatment plan.

Our Commitment to Privacy

While the program is sponsored by Mirum Pharmaceuticals, all services are performed by independent third parties. This program was created to provide access to genetic testing to patients as a way to help people make more informed decisions about their health.
  • While Mirum provides financial support for this program, tests and services are performed by independent third parties
  • Health care professionals must confirm that patients meet certain criteria to use the program
  • Mirum may receive deidentified patient data from this program; however, Mirum does not receive patient-identifiable information. Mirum may use health care professional contact information for research purposes
  • Genetic testing is available in the United States and Canada
  • Health care professionals or patients who use this program have no obligation to recommend, purchase, order, prescribe, promote, administer, use, or support any Mirum product
  • No patients, health care professionals, or payers, including government payers, are billed for this program

Scout by Mirum and related logos are pending trademarks of Mirum Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
FedEx and associated logo are registered trademarks of the Federal Express Corporation.